I am excited to be linking up with 4th Grade Frolics and her Monday Made It's this summer! Today is my first Monday of summer vacation! Thank goodness!

Last week was my last week of school. I made some little thank you gifts for the teachers that I mainstreamed with this year. I was very fortunate to have some great general education teachers that worked with my Deaf/Hard of Hearing students this year. Some had sign language interpreters that went with them to class. Another went to the general education class with an instructional assistant. I had another student that was fully included and I went into the classroom to help with one of the reading groups. It was a busy year and the general education teachers work hard and do extra when they agree to mainstream with my program.
For the male general education teachers, I put together these little bags of highlighters and added a quick little thank you card. The card reads, "Mainstreaming in your class has been a highlight this year!"
For the female general education teachers I made up these little simple manicure kits and a thank you card that said, "Mani thanks for a great year of mainstreaming!"
I put these little thank you cards in my TpT store as a freebie. I changed up the wording to be very generic and can be used for any volunteer or colleague.
I also made some goodies for my students for the last day of school. Who doesn't love Pop Rocks? I was shocked that some of them had never tried them before!
Both of these thank you tags and Pop Rocks tag are freebies over on TpT.
I know I am one of the last ones to get out of school and you all have
already been enjoying summer for a week or two... so save the printable for next
Happy Monday!