My name is Kelly. Currently I teach Deaf/Hard of Hearing students in grades 1-6 in a Special Day Class. This is my 15th year of teaching. In the past I have taught preschool, did itinerant for a little while and then I settled into the upper grades 3rd-6th D/HH SDC. Due to declining enrollment we downsized our classrooms from three D/HH classes to just two. Teaching grades 1-6 is NOT ideal by any means. It's down right hard and time consuming. I'm hoping that we'll go back to three classes soon.
I have 11 Deaf/Hard of Hearing students in my classroom. We are a Total Communication program... the true meaning of TC. My students are mainstreamed into the general education classes with educational interpreters whenever possible.
I truly enjoy my job. Every single day is different than the day before. I'm always on my toes and ready for a new challenge. I love to see the light bulb go on when a student finally gets a new concept. Watching their progress is truly fulfilling to me.
You sound like such a wonderful teacher! I like your blog! Found it on the Blogs by State - even though I'm on the other side of the country! Please stop by mine if you get a chance, I'm new to Blogworld too and am looking to share with teachers from everywhere!
✿Science for Kids Blog✿
I would love to read your FV ideas but with black background and black font it is very hard to read.