Sunday, January 22, 2017

5 Reasons You Should Come to CAL-ED

California Educators of the Deaf-Hard of Hearing conference is coming up March 3rd-5th. Why should you spend your hard earned money to come? 
#1: The line-up of workshops and sessions are awesome! There are 22 workshops to choose from.  Lots of teachers are sharing everything from new technology ideas for the classroom, writing strategies to behavior management. There is something for everyone!

#2: I am even going to be presenting on setting up Fairview Learning Centers in your classroom. I am terrified to stand up in front of others to present. But I am hoping that more teachers will do the same. We all seem to be reinventing the wheel and everyone is creating their own stuff. Why not just share it with others? Real teachers sharing the real stuff they have going on in their classrooms. So I will take that leap and hope I don't choke.

#3: Networking, networking, networking. I have met some amazing teachers through CAL-ED. Through those connections I have been able to visit other D/HH programs and bring back ideas for my own classroom.

#4: You don't have to be on your own island. So many times we feel isolated as D/HH teachers working out in our own districts, counties, rural areas, big and small towns. Sometimes just coming to CAL-ED is reaffirming that there are so many other teachers that have the same exact struggles as I do.

#5: This year it's at the beautiful Westin in Pasadena. It's a gorgeous hotel with amazing views.... but you'll be too busy learning from other teachers to really enjoy the full beauty of downtown Pasadena.


  1. Hearing Aid Batteries Tips, Hearing aids often use batteries, but the size often varies depending on the gadget. Some even have optional rechargeable batteries. When replacing hearing aid batteries, ensure that they are placed in the compartment with the flat side or plus (+) symbol facing upwards. Any other way will damage your hearing aid.

  2. We recommend a free hearing test to ascertain the extent of hearing loss. Often, you will need to invest in a good pair of hearing aids as a temporary or permanent solution.

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